This pictures shows knifes from:
1. Stoneage, about 5-6000 years old
2. Bronsage, about 4-5000 yeqrs old
3. Bronsage, about 3000 years old
4. Early viking time, from around the year 790
5. Late viking time, from around the year 900-950
6. Medivial knife, from around the year 12-1300
Study the knifes and se how they have changed - or not change
Suringvthe older stoneage people use 3 different tools, a pointy tool to make holes with, a curved edged tool to scrape and skin with, and a sharp tool with straight edge to slice with.
Later they innovate a tool that was the dirst multi tool in the world, a tool that was pointy, had a curved edge and have a straight edge = in princip the knife we use also today, about 6000 years later.
For 6000 years ago the stoneage people here started to grind their tools. Not to make them shaper, they have råeggen that was a lot sharpener then we have today - they grinded there edged rools ro get a more functional edge, an edge that holds for hard work = duller edge with more material in and behind the edge. They have found out that a edge shall only be as sharp as it need to be for its purpouse. They still have scarry sharp knocked 1 molecyle thick edges - but they now needed tools also dor hard work, slicing and chopping wood, felling trees, and ao on - and their edges must hold dor this type of work also.
In the same time, they was still nomads. Eveeything they need in their lifes they also must be able ro carry wih them. Things and tools weights a lot together - so they started to make Multi tools = one rool that can make many different things = low weight for many functions.
During the bronze age they mold their knifes and swords in clay forms. When the iron age come they needed blacksmith that can form the iron to what they needed - and during the iron age they was no longer nomads, ghey was farmers sins some decades back - and the blacksmith lived in a village with his things and tools for forming iron.
It is avveey short description, sorry for that, but it desceibe how we humans went from hunters/gatherers to farmers and village living people - and how our tools anges in both materials and forms. This is a description from Europe and Scandinavia.
The step from stoneage to ironage was a lot faster (and it not incloude bronsage) information example America. But - the immigrants that arrived ti USA come from Europe and ther old history was European history and background. The US nativ people went from stoneage to Medivial time in a few deccades.